I am going to attempt to describe to you the love I have for my children .
The moment I laid eyes on my oldest, Cate, and she made me a mother, I knew I would do anything, absolutely anything for her. That feeling did not alleviate or lessen with time or with subsequent children being born. No, it only grew stronger and more intense, as the time and energy and love that I invested into each one of my children grew greater and greater.
It takes a whole lot of love to suffer through the first three months of pregnancy. Even if you don't suffer morning sickness, I discovered. With Truman I did not have any nausea. I thought I was going to get off pretty easy the first trimester, when I realized I wasn't getting sick each day. Well, I didn't know that there is apparently some sort of trade-off that happens to moms who don't get morning sickness in the first three months. Instead of feeling nauseous morning to night, I was hit with a tidal wave emotion unlike any I have experienced in my entire life. Even now when I look back and remember those three months I shudder and thank God that I somehow made it through it. Everything seemed wrong and nothing made sense. I felt numb to everything and at the same time cried about everything. It was a nightmare. Yes, I made it through that trimester without being sick to my stomach but I definitely paid for it in another way.
Similarly, that's how the first trimester of my pregnancy with Clementine went, as well, only instead of paying emotionally rather than nauseating-ly, I paid for it with insomnia. No, I didn't feel sick with Clementine, either, but for three solid months I would wake up at night, after sleeping for a few hours, absolutely wide awake, as awake as it is possible for a first trimester mom to be. It felt like the middle of the day and I learned after a few nights of this that I would not be going back to sleep for hours and hours. Yes, every night, from about one until five A.M. for close to 14 weeks I lay in bed wide, wide awake. Doesn't sound so bad, right? Well, the infamous first trimester exhaustion had not left me, even though the nausea did. Somehow I still had the need to sleep at least 10 hours every 24, and I had to make up for those hours at some point other than the middle of the night, when normal humans sleep. I craved sleep during the day as much as I've craved anything in my life, and yet, when night came I found it absolutely impossible to sleep. Again, looking back on it, I don't know that the trimester of insomnia was any better than the trimester of being sick at the sight or thought of food or the smelling thereof.
And you know what comes next, right? After the morning sickness, at the end of pregnancy? Birth! I made the personal decision, for a variety of reasons, to not take any pain meds while in labor. Cate was born naturally in the hospital, and the rest were born at home. I don't need to describe that process for you. But there are absolutely no words to compare to the joy of seeing a brand new healthy squealing baby after a night that seemed would never end. A night where afterward, with overwhelming love, you whisper to your child, "I would do that ten times over for you", while thinking, Thank God I don't have to.
The relief when pregnancy and labor is over with and you can move on from that segment of your life is indescribable. And, naively, with Cate, I thought, "Thank God the hard part- the worry, the fear, the work, the pain- is over."

No. No, no, no, no, no, it is very much not over. In fact it has not even begun. Pregnancy and labor and delivery were only my entry ticket so that I could walk through the door into motherhood.
The intense love, and sleeplessness, and exhaustion, and emotion, are only just beginning. How in the world is it possible to love a baby so much that you had never seen before, while still feeling frustration and astonishment and amazement at how much this little one needs you, trusts you, depends on you, would not survive a day without your constant vigilance and care? It's a pendulum of overwhelming emotion that goes from one extreme to the next. Nursing that baby and feeling a love you had no idea existed, while being terrified that something could harm it, being spent to your very bone and what I call "touched out" where there is so much contact holding the baby 24 hours a day that even a hug from someone else feels like sensory overload.
How I cherished every single one of my babies. How I stood back in amazement and pride as they grew and learned. How does this miracle happen every single day, around the world? How have billions of women survived this common thing? How can it be common? “Babies are never common,” said Anne of Green Gables, followed by Marilla quoting, "Every baby is the sweetest and the best."
My heart melted with pride when each learned to call me "Mama." You're only a few months old, you haven't lived on this earth for even a year, and you already know I'm your Mama? How can this be? How can you know what a mama even is, and yet that is the very first thing your little mind learned. You and me, little one, we need each other, we are dependent on each other, we will never be apart.
Do you remember your first trip to the grocery store without the baby along? Freedom! It feels amazing! But, I feel naked without the baby clinging to me. Is she okay? Is she crying right now? Is she needing to eat and I'm not there for her? Let me modify my grocery list in half so I can be out of there in 15 minutes. I thought I wanted time to myself, but I don't- I want her. I need that little baby as much as she needs me.
Down through the years, the love grows, where it is not as emotionally intense, an up and down roller coaster ride, but gets deeper, and deeper, and deeper, as every one of your child's accomplishments become your own. You hear the words to "Wind Beneath my Wings" and you can't do anything but cry, because now that you are a mom, you understand it, how true it is. Now the thing that brings you some of your greatest joys is watching your child succeed. Walking across the room. Talking. Riding a bike. Learning to read. Saying the times tables. Hitting a baseball. Playing piano. Winning a competition. Hearing others speak highly of her. Hearing her pray. Following a recipe. Showing compassion to others. Helping without being told. Doing things you never dreamed she would do when you first met her and you held her in your arms and she looked at you and her eyes said, "I need you- I need you if I'm going to be anything, if I'm going to learn anything, become anything, do anything. I need you."
Let me ask you- after putting all this work and love and time and joy and hope and energy and effort and delight into my children, would I ever, in a million, billion years, abandon them halfway through and leave them to raise themselves the rest of the way? Would I ever tell them, "Forget it, I'm pretty tired of this job, and I'm done with you" ?
Never! Never in a thousand years.
Do you remember what Jesus said? "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?"
If you are like me, at one point or another you’ve become discouraged in your walk with Jesus Christ. At some time you experienced fear and doubt and felt abandoned and alone. You’ve stood in the shadows of guilt wondering how God could ever love you and questioning if He is even still with you after all the stupid things you’ve done. Well, let me tell you - if God traded Heaven for Earth, leaving strength and riches to become poor and weak; If He humbled Himself and took on flesh and bone to walk in our shoes; and if He then humbled Himself further by submitting to death on a cross; if He suffered all of this – laboring to bring you to life – straining unto death that you could be born again - I promise you, as someone who has been through the grief and joy of childbirth - I promise you that after He has suffered all of this and moved Heaven, Earth and Hell to make you His child - He is not about to give you up at the first inconvenience or bump in the road. He will never just abandon you out in the cold, to make it all on your own.
It is a lie.
Listen to God’s words:
"He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:31,32
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Phillipians 1:6
"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;" Hebrews 12:2
I know we all go through times of discouragement. Where we wonder if God still loves us, where we fear that we are all on our own.
No, no, no, a thousand times no! Jesus said, "I will never leave you or forsake you. I am with you always, even unto the very end of the age."
Jesus is the Master Builder and no master builder would spend weeks, months, and years designing and building a house, only to abandon it halfway through, leaving it neglected and on its own against the elements.
God will finish what He started in you. Stay the course. Don't give up the fight. Don't be discouraged. If God is for you, who can possibly be against you? Don't give up. Don't quit. Stay in that race. Jesus has already done the work. He's already paid the price. He's already won the victory. You are His child, and He wants you. Though your enemies seem undefeatable, He has already vanquished them.
Now, I am not a very big person, I am not even 5'2" and I don't weigh much over 100 pounds. But I’m telling you that if my children were ever in any type of danger or threatened in any way, I wouldn't stop for even an instant to think about my well-being or whether I even stood a chance in the fight, and I would give every drop of blood in my body, if necessary, to save them. My own survival wouldn't even enter my head.
Listen. Your Father came to save you. And He came to save you at any cost.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame.”Heb 12:2
He went down into death to save you from every one of your enemies. He paid the price with his life's blood so that He could place every one of them under your feet. He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him and you - you were that joy. When I was in the hospital, laboring to bring Cate into the world, I heard the brand new cry of a newborn in the next room, and despite the work and the pain I was in, somehow the sound was able to bring a smile to my face in that moment like nothing else could. That baby's cry reminded that soon my labor would end and I would have a baby in my arms with her own precious cry. Listen: When Jesus hung, tortured and dying on the cross, He was thinking of you.
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Romans 8:35,37
God's gonna finish what He started. He's going to see you through to the end. He's going to complete His work in you. He's going to make you perfect.
Yes, I said, "perfect." It's a scary word, but it's in the Bible.
"Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."Ephesians 4:13
"Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Jesus Christ." Colossians 1:28
"That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:17
"Making you perfect in every good work to do his will" Hebrews 13:21
"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."James 1:4
"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you."1 Peter 5:10
I don't understand how it all works out. I know that I am far, very, very, far, from being perfect, but each day God does something new in me and brings me closer to being "perfect and entire, wanting nothing." Wanting nothing? Nothing? Not lacking in peace? Not lacking in love? Not lacking in joy? Not living in fear, or as a slave to sin or worry, anger, or depression? That sounds really good to me. If I could give my children these good things, I would do it without hesitation. And if I being evil would give these good gifts to my children, how much more does my Heavenly Father want to give them to me? He died to give me this gift, and He wants me to receive everything He purchased with His life.
This is the truth that is the rock at the very foundation of my life. I believe it to my very core, and I don’t doubt it any more than I doubt my love for my children.
God is able. He. Is. Able. And God is not giving up on me until He finishes what He started. He authored my faith many years ago, back when I was ten and called to Him and asked Him to save me. That day, He called me by name and made me His child, and He will never, never, ever give up on me. His love will never stop. His provision will never end. He is the Author, and one day He will be the Finisher of my faith.
As much as I would never abandon my new little baby girl that I spent nine months growing and the most agonizing hours of my life delivering, God won't abandon a single one of His children.
As much as I wouldn't ignore the cries of my brand new little baby, God will not ignore the cries of a hungry heart seeking Him.
As much as I would never tell my child, "I'm done with you- you go figure life out on your own," God will never leave you to try to navigate through life on your own.
He is for you. He is with you. To the very end.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38,39
Words that perhaps only a mother could fully understand.