Here ya go, folks: Merriment cardigan and bonnet. You can probably tell from the delight I had taking the pictures that this project was a winner. I used Drops merino, which was a great price, and definitely seems like it will hold up well to a two year old's antics.
One thing that bugs me is the way the yoke pattern ended up lining up. I'm sure had I not mentioned it to you, you would have never noticed it, but now you can't unsee it, can you. Had I foreseen this issue I would have messed around with the pattern to make it line up better, but I just assumed that all would be well if I followed the pattern charts. No big deal for a little girl's sweater, really, but if you are knitting the size 3/4 in this pattern I suggest you double check what the chart looks like and maybe change the number of stitches so that the pattern lines up a lot better.
The bonnet, as you can see, is too cute for words. So, no words. Other than to say, I ran out of gray yarn and so I got creative in using the other colors for the back of the bonnet and the ties. I think it worked well, and again, had I not mentioned it to you, I bet you would have thought that's how it was supposed to go. I can see myself making more of these bonnets, in different sizes. I think they would make wonderful baby gifts. It knit up so quick, and there are so many great color combinations you could do.
I did not steek this sweater; no, I simply knit the small areas of stranded knitting back and forth. It was no big deal, really, since only the few rows for the yoke are stranded. Of course, had I added in the dots I would have needed to steek it. I saved myself a lot of time not knitting the dots. It turned this into a super quick project that way. But, again, I can see myself knitting other versions of this, and perhaps I will try steeking them and adding all those little dots. I can imagine lots of different color combinations for this pattern, and indeed, a quick check on revelry will reveal many, many different color iterations of this design. One of my favorite things to do is to group different colors together, just for fun. Especially when it comes to balls of yarn. For this reason, I am pretty sure I will want to knit another one of these, just because choosing the colors would be such a delight.
Well, I think that's all there is to be said about this pattern, for now. I'm definitely looking forward to dressing my little girl in this once it is not August, and the temperature still determinedly insisting on reaching 90 degrees each day...