Old Romance, and as the name suggests, I am in love. I could knit about four of these, in different colors, and my wardrobe wouldn't complain. I think I'll start with finishing one, though. What a great pattern this is. I can tell that once it's finished it will be a staple in my closet. Lace, fun colors, interesting construction, dolman sleeves; this one has a lot going for it. I can't wait to get it done.
Hah, for the first time in like a year I cleaned the mirror on the closet door so I could take the picture with the light outside streaming through (I didn't want to make Cate take YET ANOTHER picture of me). It's funny what I'll do for a blog photo, I guess!
Second verse same as the first- more produce picking out of the garden- delicious cucumbers - so sweet and we haven't had a bitter one yet, as is sometimes the wont of garden cucmbers. No problem getting those eaten! This morning the children and my parents are going to pick green beans- there are a lot of them. That's great. As I've mentioned before, it's one of our favorite vegetables. I think I am going to clean , chop, and blanch them right away so they will be ready to go for meals. Our tomato jungle is hopefully very close to ripe tomatoes- I can't wait for that, either. What's better than a fresh tomato out of a garden, except for maybe corn on the cob? The corn has a way to go yet, though, I think. But I hope we will be ready for it when it arrives- I think we are expecting about 1500 ears of corn.
I need to buy a chalkboard and make a sign and try the roadside vegetable stand idea, I think. Maybe this weekend. I am both curious to see if we can sell and produce this way, and I honestly don't know what to do with all the vegetables myself. I have given some away (anyone else want some???) but ultimately it would be great if we could make a little money off our garden in addition to growing food for our family.
Finally, here is the requisite broken record complaint of the day, "Please, Baby, aren't you ready yet to be born?" I am not having almost any signs of labor, or for that matter, prelabor, and I truly hope I don't have to go through a week or two of that before it means that Baby is ready to come. Please don't say that it's because I haven't finished the baby blanket and what am I doing knitting Old Romance instead (I'm talking to you, Steph!). Baby can't possibly know what I'm knitting! At my appointment yesterday, the midwife told me, "Unfortunately, the baby just doesn't share your urgency." Haha, so true. Well, maybe tonight...(that's become my mantra)