Well, I was sort of hoping I wouldn't have to ever get to writing this post, but here I am: 39 weeks pregnant and no baby yet. I know, I know, I have nothing to complain about but since my last baby, Truman, was born at 39 weeks on the dot, and Jude and Gideon even earlier, I was kind of expecting to have the baby by now. I desperately hope we will see this baby this week- I just can't imagine going past my due date- the last time I did that was 7 years ago, with Evie- I went one day past. Please, no- not that.
Hah, it's funny- I always sound whiny like this when I am in the final days or couple of weeks of pregnancy- and then the baby arrives and the long, long, wait of pregnancy seems like it was over all too soon- the baby is there, and it's all consuming- the extra few days wait seems like nothing. I will especially feel this way this time because Seven is our last baby. So, I am trying very hard to just relax and let baby arrive when it's ready. I will never get these days back.
So, this may or may not be the last pregnancy update, but I am glad I have gotten this one in- I can't wait to put them together in a baby book for the little one.
The house is pretty much prepped- we are just trying to maintain the laundry and keep up with the kitchen. Every grocery store trip, I try to remember to have whatever snacks that I want to have on hand, but the problem is, it all gets eaten and I have to do it all over again!
Baby clothes are washed, the garbage disposal fixed, all birth items are in one spot upstairs (need to keep Ben from using the towels inthe basket!)- what else needs to be done? I say, nothing! So here's your cue baby- it is time to be born!